I promised you a nautical flavour last time and by the time you have caught up you might well wonder if we are running a garage or a marina!
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Well you all seem to think I do nothing but play around all day- the truth is you work extra hard to fit everything in!
The usual spring A to Z truck run in April meant all motors out and wandering thro’ Somerset, Wiltshire, beautiful countryside & villages, after 90 miles successfully back to base...
A Huge Big Thankyou to all who have used us during this past year...
How much luck can a firm expect? After our 80th Celebration and completion of several projects one wonders whether the future holds any fun and where the work will come from?
“And can it be?” says the hymn in which seems to sum up the lightning passage of this year. Even my grandchildren tell me that time passes far too quickly – perhaps it’s because we do so much and have so many pursuits and are blessed to be able to do it.
One of the motor trade mysteries is how jobs / vehicles go in batches for absolutely no reason. One week we may have a run of clutches and another endless cambelts.
GREETINGS from the cold side of town after such great summer sunshine bit of a shock to be plunged into the seasonal frosts. The pundits predict that with the huge abundance of berries we could be in for a ‘bit of a blow’ this winter – we shall see! Certainly the amount of blackberries our local birds consume seem to finish up all over my car. It was a bumper crop!
Lazy; indolent; could try harder “, sounds like a school report. Truth is one seems to be run off one’s trotters this year! With the passage of the years I am told life should be at a slower more enjoyable pace but I feel it’s just gone into overdrive!
How on earth will history write about the devastation that Covid-19 has caused. Will we ever be able to pay back the mind numbing amounts of money we have borrowed and printed?
What a year that was! You all have your stories to tell. Somehow, we got through 2020. Nearly 2 years since covid h it us – where has that time gone, seems as though we just lost at least a year! 2021 has been another busy year for us..
4.45am What on earth is going on? No wonder I can't sleep a fearful quacking only to find Mummy Duck on the pond with one chick (she had 9 last year) madly going around in ever decreasing circles (do you know that feeling?)...
As father used to say "The older you get the quicker the time flies"- I am blowed if he wasn't right.
“The only way to travel”, says son to his father. So here we are on a steam excursion to Stratford upon Avon, enjoying silver service for dinner on Premier Dining. No mamby pamby eight car Intercity or four car Virgin outfit. Twelve loaded coaches rattling at a good speed with smoke billowing across the fields brings the romance back to travel...
How can it be another Christmas and year passed? All those plans and aspirations never quitematerialize and yet how lucky are we?